Four points you can count on:

Snurtzy is committed to ensuring the privacy of its website visitors. We will not sell your e-mail address to, or share it with, any other organization. 

Our website will recognize our visitors' domain names and e-mail addresses (when possible). We collect this information, as well as the e-mail addresses of those who post messages on our feedback forms and communicate with us by e-mail. We also review which of our pages visitors access and we collect information volunteered by visitors, such as survey answers and/or site registration information.

From time to time we may use the information we collect for our own marketing purposes, recognizing we've collected this information with your consent as you provided it to us.

If you do not want to receive mailings, phone calls or e-mail from us in the future, please just let us know.

If you have further questions regarding this privacy statement, just contact us by mail, phone or e-mail. We want you to rest assured that your information is always safe with us. Thanks!

9700 Tanoan Dr NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111